Problem with uploading PRM data to Panorama

Problem with uploading PRM data to Panorama ingo wohlgemuth  2024-08-13 04:16:49

Dear Panorama team,

I try to upload PRM data from Sykline (Skyline-daily (64-bit) (16f52e48b)) to Panorama. The uploading itself seems to work, but then process crashes. If I first share my skyline document and then upload the zip file, the upload itsself works when I import the data I get the following error message: malformed input off : 6, length : 3

Enclosed I send you the whole log file.....

Do you know what crashes the upload?

Many thanks in advance,


Vagisha Sharma responded:  2024-08-13 10:37:30

Dear Ingo,

Sorry about the problems you are seeing. The failure to import the document on Panorama is due to the 'µ' character in your Skyline file name: Rep1_4µ Can you please try uploading again after saving the file (File > Save As) without this character in the filename?

I apologize for the inconvenience. We will have a fix for this in Skyline-daily as soon as possible.

Best regards,