Add backdated QC to the Panorama project folder

Add backdated QC to the Panorama project folder dhabaker  2024-06-28 01:43:20

Hello Support team,

I am interested to know if it is possible to add previously acquired QC runs (for instance a QC acquired in 2022) than the last imported QC run (from 2024) in the project folder on the Panorama web.

I modified the "Folder to Watch" settings in AutoQC to the folder where the desired 2022 QC run is located. However, it doesn't seem to work. I have attached a snip of the log file from the AutoQC while the modified configuration was run.

Please let me know if any additional information is required to address this issue.

D. Baker

Vagisha Sharma responded:  2024-06-28 06:01:32


AutoQC Loader will not import older raw data files if the Skyline document already contains newer results. However, you can import the older raw file into the document manually, and upload it to your Panorama QC folder via the File > Upload to Panorama menu option in Skyline. Alternatively, you could create a copy of your template QC Skyline document, remove all results from it, and use that to import the 2022 raw data through AutoQC Loader.


dhabaker responded:  2024-06-28 07:26:45

Hello Vagisha,

Thank you for the prompt revert. The File > Upload to Panorama menu option in Skyline option worked quite well to address the issue.

I would also be interested in monitoring the inverse mobility as a metric for the QC sample. I am using Bruker's timsTOF system (".d" raw data format). Can you please suggest me any documentation or a manual on this?

Thank you for the wonderful support.

D. Baker