Adding new insturment: Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 MS

Adding new insturment: Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 MS elliott james price  2024-09-25 01:11:27

Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 MS is not currently listed when submitting data.
Please let me know when this is added.

Vagisha Sharma responded:  2024-09-26 17:14:23

Hi Elliott,

I have submitted a request to get Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 MS added to the standard list of instruments maintained by the HUPO Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI). This could take a few days. In the meantime, you can submit your data with a different Orbitrap Exploris model selected in the instrument field. I will change it to Orbitrap Exploris GC 240 as soon as it is added to the list.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Vagisha Sharma responded:  2024-10-16 14:34:31

Hi Elliott,

The "Orbitrap Exploris GC 240" has been added to the list of instruments available on PanoramaWeb.

Thank you for your patience.
