AutoQC with Thermo Chromeleon data vaults

AutoQC with Thermo Chromeleon data vaults paul mathews  2023-11-08 15:44:46

Hello all--

I am working with a skyline document/autoQC/panorama with some GCMS data generated on Thermo TSQ and ISQ GC-MS and Chromeleon 7.2.10 ES. We utilize Panorama on our LCMS systems (Bruker and Agilent) with no problem, if you've used Chromeleon, you know the file structure is a jungle.. Has anyone had success setting up AutoQC in such a way to pull from the Chromeleon data vault?

I have been exporting the Chromeleon files to a separate folder manually, but that sort of defeats the functionality of the AutoQC loader..


Vagisha Sharma responded:  2023-11-08 16:44:48

Hi Paul,

I am not familiar with Chromeleon. Can you please provide some details about the file structure it generates, and what you are doing to export the files manually? I am not aware of any labs that have used AutoQC with Chromeleon data. AutoQC Loader expects .raw files for Thermo instruments. So we would have to implement something in AutoQC Loader / Skyline to pull them out of the Chromeleon data vault. I will check with the Skyline team if it is already possible for Skyline to import from a Chromeleon data vault.


paul mathews responded:  2023-11-09 07:53:04

Hi Vagisha,

Thanks for your response. Within Chromeleon interface I have to right click export the sample file as a .raw to another open folder. Chromeleon essentially keeps its data within "data vaults" that limit access unless you interact with them through the Chromeleon interface. i.e. there isn't a clear file structure within the PC envrironment to freely access files, unless they are exported out of chromeleon.