Next Generation Translational Proteomics of Alzheimer's Disease



Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a major, growing global public health problem. This is a daunting scientific challenge and solutions will come only from innovative research. We have brought together a unique interdisciplinary team of investigators with the goal of bridging the divide between state-of-the-art technologies and translational applications.


Our U19 research program will consist of four projects and four cores that are synergistic to our mission. Moreover, our research team is uniquely suited to the development, validation and translational application of new biomolecular assays to reflect AD pathophysiology.



Part of the project? Click HERE for internal resources (agendas, meeting logs, etc).


Learn more about each project or core by clicking on the icons below!





Project 1


Discovery of proteins with altered abundance and stability.




Project 2


Highly multiplexed particle and brain mapping of CSF proteins.





Project 3


Identification of mass spectrometric targets and development of multiplex assays for disease management.




Project 4


Novel reagent development to facilitate characterization of proteins of neuropathological importance.




Core 1


Administrative Core


Core 2
Clinical Resource Core


Core 3
Affinity Reagent Characterization Core


Core 4
Statistical Analysis and Data Dissemination Core